1er logiciel Windows/Mac
de dédicace authentifiée d'ebook

 1st Windows/Mac software
FOR authenticated ebook signing


Authentique ?

Testez vos ebooks dédicacés !

Une dédicace réalisée à l'aide de  Dedee est infalsifiable. Vérifiez si vos ebooks dédicacés contiennent bien une dédicace originale...

Genuine ?

Test your signed ebooks!

A dedication made using Dedee is tamper-proof. Check if your signed ebooks contain an original dedication...

Par un auteur pour les auteurs

By a writer for writers

Conçu par un développeur professionnel qui est aussi romancier.

Designed by a professional developer who is also novelist.

Dédicaces illimitées

Unlimited signing

Une licence permet à un auteur de dédicacer autant d'ebooks qu'il veut.

One license allows one author to sign as many ebooks he or she wants.

Fonctionne hors-ligne

Works off-line

Nul besoin d'être connecté à Internet pour dédicacer vos ebooks.

No need to be connected to Internet to sign your ebooks.



Dedee a été créé pour être utilisé par un novice en informatique.

Dedee was created to be used by a novice in computers.

Tout ordinateur

Any computer

Tout PC ou Mac suffit, même un Netbook à petit écran.

Any PC or Mac suffices, even a Netbook with small screen.

Petit prix

Low cost

Dedee coûte le prix de deux livres papier pour une licence à vie.

The price of two paperback books for a lifetime license.



Dedee peut vous dire si l'origine et le contenu d'une dédicace sont authentiques.

Dedee can tell you if the origin and content of a dedeecation are genuine.



Préparez vos modèles, puis réalisez vos dédicaces rapidement face à vos lecteurs.

Prepare your templates, then sign very quickly in front of your readers.

Compositions infinies

Infinite compositions

Par exemple, une photo avec votre lecteur, quelques mots et votre signature.

For example, photo with your reader, some words and your signature.

Dedee UI

Pourquoi dédicacer des ebooks ?

Why ebook signing?

Un ebook dédicacé devient UNIQUE ! Chaque auteur peut signer ses ebooks partout et à tout moment. Chaque éditeur peut marquer ses copies de service presse avant envoi. Un ebook dédicacé est un cadeau inoubliable pour vos lecteurs, amis, fans, en même temps qu'un marquage de protection.

A signed ebook becomes UNIQUE! Every author is able to sign his/her ebooks everywhere, anytime. Every publisher can mark his review copies before sending. A signed ebook is an unforgettable gift to your readers, friends, fans, as well as a protective marking.

actuellement 34.97 €
currently € 34.97

Une licence est pour un nom de plume (ou de maison d'édition).
Pour l'achat en quantité, veuillez me contacter.

A license is for a nom de plume (or publishing house).
For bulk buying, please contact me.

The word of the author

Le mot de l'auteur

Dedee is the first PC/Mac software in the world allowing authenticated ebooks signing (all ePub, including those locked by DRM, any DRM). A dedeecation (i.e. dedication made through Dedee) is authenticated and any attempt to modify it afterward will be detectable by Dedee. Dedee allows to sign at anytime (even long time after the reader purchased his ebook) and everywhere (even in a fair without connection or at home). Dedee is independent of any online bookstore. Dedee, it's one lifetime license per author or publisher name (the latter being reserved for marking of review copies). FREE and automatic updates. A *MUST HAVE* in your writer toolbox! Just to tell your readers you love them (any reader is a potential fan who will defend your creation), and protect your ebook copies by a smart customization (every signed ebook becomes unique).

Have fun, protect your creation and love your readers!

Eric Lequien Esposti, author of Dedee,
software designer since 1985 and French writer.

Dedee est le premier logiciel PC/Mac au monde permettant la dédicace authentifiée d'ebooks (tout ePub, y compris ceux verrouillés par DRM, n'importe quel DRM). Une "dedeecation" (c'est-à-dire une dédicace effectuée à l'aide de Dedee) est authentifiée et toute tentative de la modifier après-coup sera détectable par Dedee. Dedee permet de signer à tout moment (même longtemps après que le lecteur ait acheté son ebook) et partout (même dans un salon sans connexion ou à domicile). Dedee est indépendant de toute librairie en ligne. Dedee, c'est une licence à vie par nom de plume ou d'éditeur (ce dernier étant réservé au marquage des Services Presse). Mises à jour GRATUITES et automatiques. Un *MUST* dans votre boîte à outils d'écrivain ! Juste pour dire à vos lecteurs que vous les aimez (tout lecteur est un fan potentiel qui défendra votre création), et protéger vos copies d'ebooks par une personnalisation astucieuse (chaque ebook signé devient unique).

Amusez-vous, protégez votre création et aimez vos lecteurs !

Eric Lequien Esposti, auteur de Dedee,
concepteur logiciel depuis 1985 et auteur français.


Dedee is a program which enables you to easily sign an ebook with a personal composition called a dedeecation.

No. Dedee works offline (except for the update).

Yes, Dedee can tell you if the origin and content of a dedeecation are genuine.

No, users can only remove dedeecations that they made themselves.

Yes, you can save all your compositions as a reusable template set.

Yes. With Dedee, simplicity is a priority. It’s easily accessible to anyone.

No, only one dedeecation per author is allowed. However, in case of mistakes, the author can remove the previously set up dedeecation and replace it with a new one.

Dedee is designed by a published author experienced with both hard-copy and digital formats, and well aware of the needs writers have!

No, Dedee is a standalone compiled software written in C++ and it doesn't need anything other than what is provided by default by any operating system.

There is no version of Dedee which can be used on mobile phones.

The transfer of the dedeecation from author to reader is independent of Dedee. Dedee is concerned with embedding the dedeecation in the ebook after which the ebook is a regular ePub file to be transferred in typical ways (e.g. USB, email, CD/DVD, etc).

Please see the website section about the Crew.

No. The program and data are separated in the system and uninstalling will only affect the program. If you should later decide to re-install Dedee, all your settings will be retrieved. However, if you decide to erase all your Dedee data manually, the recovery is also possible only manually.

Dedee is currently available in English and French.

You can install and use Dedee from an unlimited number of computers as long as it's running under an operating system compatible with your license.

Dedee is able to tell you if a dedeecation comes from a Dedee copy licensed to your author name or not. This provides the reader the same sense of security when it comes to dedeecation authenticity as they would have with paperback books. It is significant to note that we can easily prove who the buyer of a particular Dedee copy is.

A dedeecation is simply a dedication made by and with Dedee. The word "dedication" is used to indicate a tribute or an homage the author pays to someone in his or her original text (i.e. in all the released copies). The use of "dedeecation", however, removes all ambiguity and clearly indicates it's another kind of dedication - one being written in a single copy for a specific reader.

Work with Dedee is very quick and simple. Dedee allows you to manage as many templates as you want. If you prepare a collection of templates (each takes several minutes to create), when you find yourself in a situation where you have to produce a dedeecation on the spot, you will be able to load one of your templates and customize it in less than a minute.

A digital dedeecation made by Dedee can be even more personal than a dedeecation done on paper! Dedee allows you to be creative with your dedeecation and use not only text but various imagery and symbolism. It’s even possible to use a photo of yourself with the person who you’re making the dedeecation for – and what can be more personal than that...

Since version 1.3, Dedee can also print the result; you are free to insert it into a paper book or as a separate autograph.

Every dedicated ebook becomes a personal ebook rather than a common one. Dedee allows you to connect to your readers!

Using Dedee requires the following: a PC under Windows XP or better, or a Mac under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion or better. Dedee exists in both 32 and 64-bit. Dedee is a standalone executable, without framework, without virtual machine and without interpreter – it is reachable by any current processor. As for the screen resolution requirements, the user will be able to work at a scale of 0.25 to 1. Dedee has been successfully tested on a Netbook with a 10” screen of 1024x600 pixels.

Yes. Dedee is Notebook and Netbook friendly!

Yes, Dedee allows you to choose the location of your dedeecation. The dedeecation can be set between two documents, before the first one or after the last one.

The Dedee license is attached to an author’s name. The aim is to create licensed authors who can use the program from different machines but always work authentically under their own nom de plume.

Yes, Dedee creates a backup of the ebook before any modification.

Yes, which is a very useful option in cases of co-authorship.

Yes, it's an undemanding process – just a matter of a couple of clicks.

Yes. Dedee provides the possibility of creating complex dedeecations very easily and quickly, thanks to the notion of templates called "set" in the Dedee vocabulary. Your dedeecation can consist of any kind of visuals, any kind of text and it allows any kind of layout. Dedee allows you to be very creative!

No. A dedeecation created with Dedee (“dedeecation”) cannot be tampered with ease. Even with text, the text is reformatted into an image during the generation of the dedeecation. Therefore the text cannot be subsequently edited. However, if anyone were to nevertheless try to modify or forge a dedeecation, Dedee will detect it as NOT GENUINE. As for using other ebook editors like Sigil and its equivalents - it’s impossible to produce a dedeecation in the fashion in which Dedee does without using the program itself. After all, Dedee is not an ebook editor but a specialized dedeecation program.

Dedee is not linked to an ebook shop. The human-reader is intended to give the ebook to the author who is going to sign (dedeecate) it, as it had been done with paper books since the beginning of the time.

Yes. Dedee just requires a regular computer (e.g. PC or Mac).

Yes. As is the case with the installation, Dedee can be uninstalled in a matter of minute and a few simple clicks.

You would have to re-install Dedee and move your data from the old system (or a backup) to the new one into the right disk location. The problematic scenario happens if you change your OS family as it can result in incompatibilities with Dedee.

One license is bound to one author name ("nom de plume") under one operating system family (Microsoft Windows or Apple OS X for Dedee 1.0), this name being indicated during purchase. The user is authorized to dedicate as many ebooks he or she wants under this one author name only.

All Dedee updates (e.g. 1.x to 1.n) are free and we charge with 50% OFF for upgrades (e.g. 1.x to 2.n).

Yes. Dedee deals with both unprotected and protected ePub. The modification done by Dedee is legal since it doesn't break the DRM.

Dedee offers more than a standard ePub editor. Dedee produces an authenticated image like an original cover. The final product of Dedee is an original image embedded in the document and certified by a specific author through visible and invisible marking. Also, Dedee supports any DRM from anywhere without breaking them.

No, but most of our users simply provide an ePub alongside (the ePub format being the most universal outside of Amazon's closed ecosystem) when a reader requests a signed/autographed (ie. dedeecated) eBook.

In order to be appealing to the public, Dedee was created with the intention of being affordable for every writer/author, both from the financial aspect (the price of two paperback books) and context (a regular PC or Mac suffices).

No. Dedee does not incorporate any font. Whatever you do in the dedeecation area, Dedee will transform it into an image. The text will be just pixels and no font is necessary anymore.

Your Dedee license will never expire. Dedee is not a service with subscription, but a product with lifetime license of use.

Simply drop an email to conLIMITtact@dedeecation.com, removing the word "LIMIT".

Crew & Partners

Design and development

Eric Lequien Esposti

  • English : Maggie Athena Galvin, Eric Lequien Esposti
  • French : Eric Lequien Esposti
Testers for 1.x
Les Têtes Brulées Editions
YouTipi - Votre Toit au Far Web

And a special thanks to the team behind wxWidgets and its outstanding forum where you can find me under the nickname "eranon".


Interview @ IDBOOX 
dec. 2014

"La dédicace est fondamentale pour entretenir une relation entre l’écrivain et son lecteur." -- Elizabeth Sutton.

Article @ claudecolson.com
dec. 2014

"Il vous suffit de vous inscrire à ma lettre d’information puis de me demander votre dédicace par email." -- Claude Colson.

Article @ heloisecordelles.fr
aug. 2018

"Bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui lisent beaucoup en version électronique : désormais c'est possible de se faire dédicacer un e-book." -- Héloïse Cordelles.

Article @ CNET - #1 & #2 
feb. 2015

"Quel plaisir pour un lecteur de pouvoir ouvrir un ouvrage en appréciant une petite note personnelle de l'auteur à son attention." -- Guillaume Bonvoisin.

Article @ Aldus 
mar. 2015

"Une note de personnalisation et de proximité par rapport aux auteurs que ceux-ci auraient tort de négliger." -- 
Hervé Bienvault.

Article @ antredugreg.be 
jan. 2016

"Pour résumer, je dois dire que j’ai jeté mon dévolu sur Dedee." -- 

Article @ melaniewency.fr
jan. 2015

"Utiliser Dedee, c’est peu un comme écrire un article sur son blog, on se sent comme à la maison." -- Mélanie Wency.

Itw @ monBestSeller - 1/2 & 2/2
jul. 2015

"Au même titre que, petits, nous mettions nos noms sur nos livres d’école pour être sûr de les récupérer en cas de dispute [...]" -- monBestSeller.


Version History

Online Ebook Report - Aug. 2024
  • Introduced Web-based tool checking any dedeecation's authenticity without Dedee.
Dedee 1.5.1 - Dec. 2023
  • Fixed regression in 1.5.0 doing it failed to authenticate genuine dedeecations.
  • Enriched ebook report with info about Dedee version it was made in.
  • Limited expansion of buttons which overflowed in some configurations.
Dedee 1.5.0 - Dec. 2023
  • Added preview of any set before loading.
  • Changed most author ref. from FFh Lab to ELE.
  • Promoted all outbound links to HTTPS.
  • Updated info and links in about-box.
  • Fixed bug doing it failed to determine viable temporary path randomly.
  • Updated link to online changelog (i.e. here).
  • Fixed deprecated video demo (in Flash technology) in PDF help (EN/FR).
  • Continued code quality optimization relying on deep static analysis.
Dedee 1.4.2 - Fev. 2020
  • Fixed wrong search path for FBReader in auto-search of Preferences.
  • Improved stability of internal classes about update and support.
  • Fixed crash on eBook Report when done after loading of set without ebook.
Dedee 1.4.1 for Mac - Sept. 2018
  • Fixed malformed package on distribution platform (FastSpring).
  • Forced static linking to libs to prevent use of any outdated system ones.
Dedee 1.4.0 - Jul. 2018
  • Updated underlying libraries (OpenSSL, libssh2, libcurl, wxWidgets).
  • Adjusted code to comply new wxWidgets 3.1 requirements.
  • Extended supported secure protocols for sensitive operations (HTTPS, SFTP).
  • Updated all global functions by more recent one involved in Shopifight.
  • Fixed bug doing detection of auto-update would fail over Dedee x.9.
  • Introduced high density (HiDPI) display awareness for GUI.
  • Updated list of auto-searchable popular ePub readers in preferences.
  • Improved generic classes shared with Shopifight Alify.
  • Extended internal support material (libs versions, system infos, context).
  • Fixed bug doing license name with special character failed.
  • Fixed license activation against macOS 10.13 and Windows 10.
  • Improved internal recursive files searching involved in ePub management.
  • Improved overall performance in speed about large compressions on disk.
  • Added credits about OpenSSL and SSH2 in About-box.
  • Improved quality of code through static analysis against PVS-Studio.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and continued to improve code...
Dedee 1.3.0 - Nov. 2015
  • Introduced capture of screen area as background or part of foreground.
  • Introduced printing to produce a flying autograph.
  • Fixed bug doing that heavy image(s) in foreground hanged Dedee.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and continued to improve code...
Dedee 1.2.0 - Jul. 2015
  • Introduced capacity to manage multiple licenses from one Dedee.
  • Introduced the notion of ownership and scope for a set.
  • Removed indentation in a dedeecation (was more problematic than useful).
  • Fixed some minor bugs and continued to improve code...
Dedee 1.1.0 - May 2015
  • Added support of ePub with DRM, while preserving DRM (legally).
  • Introduced Publisher Mode for customization of press/review copies.
  • Translated the Help tutorial, now available in both English and French.
  • Added "Help -> History of Dedee releases" in menu.
  • Improved commands used to indicate point of insertion of dedeecation.
  • Increased the tolerance about naming convention used in OPF package.
  • Increased tolerance for ePub mixing filenames with spaces.
  • Fixed bug doing that very short author name was not displayed in GUI.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and continued to improve code...
Dedee 1.0.0 - Dec. 2014
  • First public release in 32/64 bits for Windows and OS X.
Starting point - May 2012
  • Start designing Dedee.